Monday, September 24, 2007


Recently, I visited the Monash Prom at Mandarin Oriental Hotel next to KLCC with a friend of mine (Syaf). We were hanging around at KLCC for buka puasa at 7.15pm. Then he decided to meet up with the Monash Communications gang during the Monash Prom. I went inside the grandball room and it was very nicely decorated. There were live bands, performances, old trendy cars on display, and white smoke to spice up the atmosphere. There were also about 75 tables according to the table numbers, so it was quite huge.

After a few SMS, we finally met up outside the grandball room lobbying area. It was the 4 Monash girls that were so excited and happy to meet up with him. They all wore so nice and looked very impressive. It was very nice to finally meet up with them after quite a long time already. We all shall meet up soon over lunch or some activities.

Thats all for now. Take care and ciao.


Syaf said...


Hello??? I PUASA. hahahahaha

ken said...

Opppppssssssss.... did I say lunch? Let me correct myself - DINNER.