Wednesday, September 12, 2007


You, as the reader, will ask how it is possible to "cheat" at a toll plaza. Well, I just experienced it just now at the LDP toll plaza.

I was arriving at the TnG booth slowly and noticed an orange Proton Gen2 behind me. Before I scrolled down the window, I noticed that he stopped very near to my car, and started to wonder why he is doing so. I ignored and touched the TnG card to the machine. The blocker raises up and I started to leave. Then I noticed that the Gen2 sped fast through the blocker and managed to escape being hit on the car and eventually escaped having to pay RM1.60. The alarm even sounded!!! The Gen2 car plate number is WNL 8045. The driver is a damn bloody Chinese.

Why would anyone want to escape having to pay a small toll fee of RM1.60? It is just pure stupidity of that person. From now on, once the blocker raises up, I will leave off slowly and make the blocker hit on the car if the driver behind manages to escape again. This act needs to be stopped immediately or else it will spread to younger drivers especially college drivers who think it is fun to do. Is this what we show on the roads?

Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can the lane fit for 2 cars? i bet that u have to pay another RM1.60 to pass thru..