Sunday, October 28, 2007


The question is "Where to eat when we are with friends?" Well, the answer is "It depends on many considerations". Usually when we are alone, we tend to eat simple and cheap food such as McD, Burger King, nasi goreng from Malay shop, or roti canai from an Indian shop. Many will tend to eat at home or eat home-cooked food. Where to eat when you have company or companions?

For myself, it is sometimes difficult to find out where and what to eat with normal friends, office colleagues, or close friends. Sometimes, the question of 'budget' comes about when deciding where and what to eat simply because it seems to be a major factor. Usually, when being answered "Anywhere la" or "Whatever la", it seems to be a harder decision because you dont know whether to eat simple food or eat something of higher class. As for myself, I have eaten at all areas in KL in all types of classes from road-side food to mamak to McD to Pizza Hut to cafes to Madam Kwan to TGIF and Chilis.

What type of food, how much time available, and location plays an important factor too. For example, if we are working and have 1 hour lunch break, then usually I will tend to go to McD or some mamak shop. If I am on off days, then it depends on who I am going out with, I tend to choose and think. With close friends, I tend not to go for junk food restaurants and to eat better class foods. If I am with normal friends, then I usually let the person to decide because for me, naturally, I dont know what and where to eat because different people have different considerations.

If I were to choose what and where to eat, I tend to choose those that some may not like to eat or locations too far or the type of food is not suitable, or too pricy, etc. I like all types of food but sometimes, you just dont know whether the person likes to eat chinese, asian, or western foods. Different people means different lifestyle and different perception of where and what to eat.

1 comment:

Syaf said...

I am one of those "anywhere la" type of person. It's hard to decide but my priority is budget. I do not mind spending a few bucks more if it's a special occassion!!
