Thursday, October 18, 2007


By: Veni

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the appearance of mobile phone services. The first customers appeared in 1979 and I can still recall the phone models back then. You practically had to carry around the whole base station! It was large, like a mid-sized suitcase and many installed it in their cars. Only the rich could afford one back then. I remember my first, it was in 2001, the Ericsson phone - I thought it looked totally cool but realized today what a bulky piece of equipment it was.

Times have changed, the mobile phone makers are churning out phones slimmer than ever and the mobile penetration rate has increased tremendously. As of June 2007, it was reported that there are now close to 3 billion mobile subscribers the world over! Most of us reading this would likely contribute to that population. I can’t imagine living without one, here is how I noticed our lives have changed with the introduction of the mobile phone:

1)People stand you up on dates more often and very last minute. The mobile phone allows us to call off appointments at the very last minute. Reminiscing I realized that pre-mobile phones, I would be there at the appointed place and time even though I was tired or changed my mind about going out last minute. My friends never had to wonder where I was or run to a pay phone to call my house looking for me. We would all just converge at the given place and time.

2)We sms to keep in touch. This and poking people on Facebook has become the normal way for people nowadays to keep in touch instead of calling each other. With out highly mobile busy lives, what better and less intrusive manner to let someone know you’re thinking of them.

3)Less people install fixed lines at home since no one is there to pick it up. My mobile phone is truly with me at all times and I personally don’t see a need for a fixed line at home.

4)Parents now give their teenagers a mobile phone with a subscription instead of a second fixed line to their room.

5)It facilitates dating! It helps to have sms, you can be more open without having to “say it”. Of course there is also the case where the man divorced his wife via sms - what a pussy!

Love it or hate it, the mobile phone is here to stay. Despite it being only 25 years young, it has made an impact that has changed our lives and it will be here to stay. I’d love to hear from the person who has yet to commit to a mobile phone or stories of how the mobile phone has changed your life.


ken said...

Yes!!! I totally agree with your 5 points!!!. Without a mobile phone is very difficult.
Very nice and good entry!!!. No charges apply. :P:P

Syaf said...

Cool post! I had my first phone back when I was 14 (that was in 2000). I had the Ericsson T10, one of those flip phones. Anyways, at that time, most teens do not carry around a mobile phone, but look at kids nowadays. They are getting their first phone from as young as 9 years old. Hello??? Who are they going to call??? Hahaha. But I guess it is a great accessory for kids to show off to their friends.

I agree with Ken, it is very difficult without a mobile phone. And now I can check my gmail using my phone.