Sunday, January 27, 2008

Parking Indicators

Went to Sunway Pyramid last night with a friend that I have not met since November 2007. Went to park at the new wing parking lot and noticed that every parking bay has indicator lights. What do I mean? Well, if there is a car parked in a bay, the indicator is red. If there is free parking bay, the indicator is green. This is to show the next person to know where the available parking bay is located. Thats so cool, right!

Just curious of where Sunway Pyramid gets that idea from. Next curiousity would be the cost of implementing those indicators. Then it would be how the indicators know that theres a car or not - whether it is using some sort of laser technology (they wished) or is it some hidden camera or wall sensors that is being implemented. Doing such is not cheap. Well, thats the first parking lot that I noticed uses light indicators.

The movie Cloverfield - watched it last night at Sunway Pyramid too. I didnt read the trailers or see any ads about it so from the name, I thought its a thriller or action movie. When it started, the camera keeps moving. Guess what, this movie is another copy of the Korean dragon movie (forgotten whats the name already) except that Cloverfield shows the movie from 1st person point of view. In the end, Manhattan city is bombed... hahahaha...

Well, CNY is just around the corner next week. Happy Chinese New Year 2008 to everyone!!!


Syaf said...

the parking indicator is very very cool. unfortunately, pyramid is getting crowded...too many cars..have to park at the rooftop :(

Anonymous said...

i think the indicator for parking. if not mistaken i seen it in Nescafe kickstart contest. in what season i dont remember. but it great. at least people know which parking available

ken said...

To SS: When you came, you have to park at the rooftop? Everytime I went there, I just parked at the new wing basement lot - quite a few empty spaces there if one has the patience... well, ya... it does get crowded during weekends...

To: vistro: So, there is other places with parking indicators too huh... thats cool... The parking indicator is a good tool to use to let new customers know where the free parking space are...